It boggles the mind how a super power like the United States can't shut down the Al-Qaida when there they are publicly announcing job openings --- not for Osama bin Laden cave sweeper, cave guard, and official beard trimmer --- but for cushy first world jobs like video producers and editors. Jobs that possibly require broadband and Final Cut Pro.
I mean check this out!
London-based Asharq al-Awsat said on its website this week that al-Qaida had "vacant positions" for video production and for editing statements, footage and international media coverage about militants in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active.
The paper said the Global Islamic Media Front, an al-Qaida-linked, web-based organization, would "follow up with members interested in joining and contact them via e-mail."
If you're wondering what this job would entail, it might help you to know that
Last month it issued an English-language video on the internet called Jihad Hidden Camera which showed sniping and bombing attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq, and carried comical sound effects as well as laugh tracks.
As for salaries and perks:
The advert does not specify salary amounts, but added: "Every Muslim knows his life is not his, since it belongs to this violated Islamic nation whose blood is being spilled. Nothing should take precedence over this."
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